
Re-Aqua, the delivery Internet cleaning service
To support the expanding delivery cleaning market with quality, we established "Re-Aqua, the delivery Internet cleaning service" together with experienced and good cleaning companies with "spirit and ambition"across the country by maximizing the know-how of high quality delivery cleaning that we have cultivated through E-closet and provide the integrated standard and service to customers across the counttry.
In "Re-Aqua", the new localized delivery cleaning service, Kikuya acts as the administrative headquarter to manage the website and whole service. The collection and delivery are outsourced to Yamato Logistics, and logistics cost is suppressed and lead time is shortened by works at cosigned factories in each area.
The number of cleaning companies across the country joining this service at the time of launching is 45 companies (Number of owned shops: More that 2200 shops), and we will provide the service by maximizing this this network. And for the development as a large-scaled life support service by the cross-industrial cooperation, we will provide the service to enhance lives of customers by collaborating with various services provides and apparel companies etc.